George Weaver (left) Jerald Trotter (center) Ken Hamlin (right)
A Conversation about Growing into Manhood
George Weaver program consultant for the Brotherhood Crusade, Los Angeles; Jerald Trotter, Fed Up Anti-Gun Crime Campaign spokesperson, and Ken Hamlin, Former NFL Player talked to TRANSFORMATION50 campers about keeping a level head and thinking about the potential consequences of their actions. This forum was the final program for the 2018 TRANSFORMATION50 Camp. The event included the announcement of this year’s Community Citizen Mentor Honorees: Ken Bennett – Streets Ministries; Pastor Peris Lester, Mount Olive Cathedral CME Church; Coach Verties Sails former Southwest Community College Coach, and Sgt. Wesley Littlejohn, Memphis Police Department.

The finale was the announcement of the TRANSFORMATION50 Camp Awards for 2018: Carlito Craft – 1st Place Character Award, Donovan Carter – 2nd Place Character Award and Nikkareon Williams and Myles Richarson – Tournament MVP Awards. This concluded a week of camp activities including a field trip to the Marshall Space and Rocket Center in Huntsville, AL where campers learned about projectile motion, the force that puts a thrown basketball into motion. In addition to basketball skills, campers learned life skills such as tying a tie, checking under the car hood and using household tools. Camp application and registration dates are announced in early spring and will be posted on this site and in our social media.