Taking Back The Future hosts 2021 International Youth Exchange
Youth in Memphis are exchanging ideas and experiences with students from around the globe. This is the second year for this cultural experience presented by Tarik Black Foundation as part of its Taking Back The Future programming.
Memphis Ambassadors Program (MAP) and Givat Haviva International School (GHIS) are represented by a total of 13 young people who have an interest in exploring how they can make a positive difference in the world.
On day two of the exchange, PlayBack Memphis provided a workshop that explored the kinds of injustices young people witness and experience in their daily lives and the root causes.
On the final day the session was provided by curriculum developers from Lyfta, a global exploration virtual platform produced by filmmakers and educators in the United Kingdom and Finland. The session challenged students to understand how stereotypes and social assumptions hinder acceptance and understanding.
The International Youth Exchange is the vision of Tarik Black, TBF founder who launched the relationship between his foundation and GHIS when he played for
Maccabi Tel Aviv basketball team. TBF has been a community partner with MAP since the foundation’s inception. Students selected for the program are in high school and most meet criteria set by their respective organizations to be involved.

Congratulations to the winners of Global Sports Tech Youth Challenge
Memphis, Tel Aviv and Jerusalem tech students mentored by renowned international sport tech figures
Forty-one tech students in Memphis, Tel Aviv and Jerusalem spent three days honing their talent during the first Global Sports Tech Youth Challenge presented by Tarik Black Foundation along with Colosseum Sports Innovation Group in Tele Aviv and CodeCrew in Memphis.
Memphis Team 2
Jayda Murray, Javon Garcia, Sobenna Egwuekwe, Anaya Murray, Aren Egwuekwe
Tel Aviv Team 2
Oran Cohen, Yair Lixenberg, Daniel Feuerstein, Inon Ben Dror
Distinguish international judges were: Oren Lefkowitz, head of Venture Captial and Startup Partnerships at Google; Andres Cardenas, Global Head of Football at Minute Media; Briana “HOOPS” Green former Harlem Globetrotter and Koko Archibong; Olympian former pro basketball player, now wealth advisor.
Guest speaker Ofir Frank, chief technology operation at Maccabi Tel Aviv Basketball offered inspiration as students worked over eight hour daily developing their innovation concepts which they pitch to the panel of judges on day three.
Leaders of sponsor organizations Judith Moore, Tarik Black Foundation; Oren Simanian, Founder, Colosseum; and Meka Egwuekwe, CodeCrew partnered to produce the pilot event. Plans are to host Global Sports Tech Youth Challenge annually and scale the event by adding teams from other countries.
While playing for Maccabi Tel Aviv basketball team in Tel Aviv, Tarik Black forged the partnership between Tarik Black Foundation and Colosseum. The two organizations wanted to connect to create a chance for tech students in Memphis and tech students in Tel Aviv to network. CodeCrew, a Memphis youth tech computer center was invited to join the collaboration. The result was the Global Sports Tech YouthChallenge.
“We are pleased with how this collaboration turned out. The Global Sports Tech Youth Challenge gives students experience working with peers in other countries, said Judith Moore, president Tarik Black Foundation. “This is a great growth opportunity and a chance for tech students to begin forming international colleagues and networks. Many still communicate and are global friends now. We look forward to seeing how these relationships evolve in the future,” said Moore.
The next event is planned for August 2020.

Tarik Black Foundation receives National Basketball Players Association Foundation Grant
Matching player grant will support Taking Back The Future programs
The National Basketball Players Association Foundation (NBPA) has given Tarik Black Foundation a player matching grant to support TBF’s Taking Back The Future summer camp and afterschool programs.
Since 2017, Tarik Black Foundation (TBF) has received three NBPA Foundation grants. This continued support has provided funding for camps, internships and events.
Black’s national and international access to knowledge-based resources has allowed TBF programs to give young people exposure [literally] to the world. NBPA Foundation funding will help TBF expand its reach so that it can offer more innovative programs that elevate understanding of life concepts. Taking Back The Future curriculum is anchored by four practical concepts: healthy habits, wealth creation, global diversity and technology impact.
“We believe centering education around our anchor concepts provides young people a solid foundation for building their future – a future threatened by COVID-19,” explains Judith Moore, TBF president. “The most vulnerable have been people with pre-existing health issues. People with substantive financial resources have weathered the storm with the least life disruptions. Technology has kept us resilient and moving ahead despite the world shutting down.” Moore says that heighten awareness due to the pandemic makes enhancing education in these areas critically important.
Recognizing how empowering a grasp on their anchor concepts can be for young people, TBF works to cultivate dynamic partnerships that ensure impactful and engaging programs. “Our financial partners provide the resources we need for offering robust learning experiences. We are grateful that NBPA continues to be a partner,” says Moore. To learn more visit tarikblackfoundation.org.

Taking Back The Future Social Justice Entrepreneurship Program offers students global education
Memphis and international school youth in Tel Aviv find they have much in common
Youth in Memphis’ Youth Services MAP program and students attending an international school in Tel Aviv, Givat Haviva International High School (GHIS), over a three-month collaboration learned much about what they have in common and also how their experiences are different. Lead students attending GHIS that participated were from Norway, Brazil, Ethiopia, Tel Aviv, and Jerusalem.
The three-month collaboration took place virtually. Students also communicated on their own via text messages and late-night phone calls in Memphis that were early morning calls in Tel Aviv. Some continue to keep in touch.
The experience culminated with a workshop provided in two sessions which the twelve lead students produced then invited other students in their organization to attend on Zoom. Nearly 100 students in total participated in the two workshops which took place during the Martin L. King Holiday week.
Attending as a guest, was Israeli’s Goodwill Ambassador Tal Brody who sat in on sessions and offered insight on various topics discussed by group leaders.
This was the first year for this project. Plans are underway for the 2021- 22 school year.

A summer camp where kids get real-world education in real fun ways
Create a future in which you live well is the idea behind Taking Back The Future camp
(MEMPHIS,TN-April 19)Taking Back The Future summer camp is innovational learning offering tools for living well. Kids will learn habits for living healthy and building wealth, as well as prepare to navigate a future more globalized and technology-driven than ever. Expect boundless fun but a limited number of spaces due to COVID-19 safety measures. The two sessions are limited to 15 campers ages 12-14.
Tarik Black Foundation’s Taking Back The Future focuses on four concepts: Healthy Habits, Wealth Creation, Global Diversity and Technology Impact. “We want to elevate young people’s understanding of the world and prepare them to thrive in the most important aspects of life. This has always been our focus. Taking Back The Future is how we are connecting the education we offer with the world’s new reality,” said Judith Black Moore, Tarik Black Foundation (TBF) president.
To achieve its new programming goals TBF in collaborating with a host of experts including LeBonheur Children’s Hospital, University of Tennessee Health Science Center, Memphis Light Gas Water, along with international knowledge contributors at Nike Innovation in Tel Aviv, Lyfta – an immersive global education platform headquartered in The UK and Finland and a host of other subject matter professionals. Even kids have contributed their ideas and insight as part of a youth advisory group.
Church of the Holy Communion in East Memphis is generously providing space for the three-weekly in- person camp days. Two days will be camp-at home (virtual). Activities will involve exercise physiology, chess classes, wealth creation; global “fieldtrips” and adventures that take campers behind-the-scenes to explore technology in a variety of industries including athletic shoe design.
Session One is June 21 – July 9. Session Two is July 11 – 30. Read more about Taking Back The Future summer camp including cost, COVID-19 safety measures and how to apply.