Tarik Black: Maccabi’s new big hope
Read the full details https://www.eurohoops.net/en/trademarks/728750/tarik-black-maccabi-new-big-hope/
Read the full details https://www.eurohoops.net/en/trademarks/728750/tarik-black-maccabi-new-big-hope/
The Tarik Black Foundation (TBF) is excited to announce that Tarik has signed a one-year contract with Israel Maccabi Tele Aviv. This will be his fifth season playing professional basketball. Last year, he returned to the Houston Rockets after a 2 1/2 year stint with the Los Angeles Lakers. He started his rookie season with Houston playing half the season before moving to the Lakers.
While Tarik is overseas playing, the TBF will continue to further build its two summer camp programs – TRANSFORMATION50 for boys and Summer GLAM (Girls’ Life Academy Memphis) for girls. The Maccabi Tele Aviv season will end just in time for him to return to Memphis to conduct his summer camps in July 2019.
“We are looking forward to this year in Tele Aviv opening opportunities, not just for me as a basketball player but for my foundation and other professional ventures I’d like to pursue,” said Tarik. “From the start, our dream for the foundation has been to one day offer multi-cultural and international experiences for youth. I hope my living and working abroad this year moves us closer to this dream becoming a reality.”
The TBF congratulates Tarik and wishes him and his family all the best. We look forward to an exceptionally great 2018 – 19 basketball season for him as he plays across Europe this year.
George Weaver (left) Jerald Trotter (center) Ken Hamlin (right)
George Weaver program consultant for the Brotherhood Crusade, Los Angeles; Jerald Trotter, Fed Up Anti-Gun Crime Campaign spokesperson, and Ken Hamlin, Former NFL Player talked to TRANSFORMATION50 campers about keeping a level head and thinking about the potential consequences of their actions. This forum was the final program for the 2018 TRANSFORMATION50 Camp. The event included the announcement of this year’s Community Citizen Mentor Honorees: Ken Bennett – Streets Ministries; Pastor Peris Lester, Mount Olive Cathedral CME Church; Coach Verties Sails former Southwest Community College Coach, and Sgt. Wesley Littlejohn, Memphis Police Department.
The finale was the announcement of the TRANSFORMATION50 Camp Awards for 2018: Carlito Craft – 1st Place Character Award, Donovan Carter – 2nd Place Character Award and Nikkareon Williams and Myles Richarson – Tournament MVP Awards. This concluded a week of camp activities including a field trip to the Marshall Space and Rocket Center in Huntsville, AL where campers learned about projectile motion, the force that puts a thrown basketball into motion. In addition to basketball skills, campers learned life skills such as tying a tie, checking under the car hood and using household tools. Camp application and registration dates are announced in early spring and will be posted on this site and in our social media.
Travel with me to explore the Science of Basketball.
Who’s invited: 2017 TRANSFORMATION50 Campers
(Only campers who attended last year’s camp)
When: Tuesday, July 10, 2018
Fieldtrip: U.S. Space Center, Huntsville, AL
Buses Depart: 5:15 am Return appx.: 7:15 pm (please arrive no later than 5:00 am)
Pick-up and Drop-off location: Emmanuel Center – 601 St. Paul St. (near So. Lauderdale)
Thanks to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) for this invitation to visit the U. S. Space Center for a special program just for Tarik Black Foundation campers. This field trip is free. If you are a 2017 TRANSFORMATION50 Camper and would like to attend, please send an email letting us know you are interested to [email protected] to receive a sign-up form and more information.
Tarik hosts TRANSFORMATION50 Basketball and Life Skills Camp
July 9 – 13
Emmanuel Center
604 St. Paul Pl.
This camp is free for 50 boys ages 11-15
Boys interested in participating must apply in person during one of the application sessions that will be held at the Emmanuel Center:
June 16 Session I – 10 am Session II – 4 pm
June 23 Session I – 10 am Session II– 4 pm
Boys chosen for the camp will be notified by June 30 and must attend a brief registration and orientation session with their parent, sponsor or guardian on July 7th at the Emmanuel Center.
Applications must be submitted in person during one of the four sessions. Registration Forms must be competed on site on July 7th if selected to attend. No applications or registration forms will be accepted electronically.